Technology Integration


What is Technology Integration?

NCES, (2002). Technology integration refers to the ways in which we incorporate technological resources and technology-based processes within our daily routines, work, and our management of institutions. These resources consist namely of; computers and specialized software, network-based communication systems, and other equipment and infrastructure.

How important is Technology in Education?

There is numerous justification as to why technology is an essential contributor to learning in schools, and as future educators, we must accept that technology is in an abundance and for students must be in the know-how of technology should they want to survive after leaving high school. There are a few other reasons why technology is so essential in education. Students interact with technology on a daily basis; it has simply become a part of contemporary life, and as a result, it has become a need for learning in schools, even for instructors who employ new teaching tools on an annual basis.

Children nowadays are more focused on the digital aspect of life, which means they are more enmeshed with technology than older people. They will also benefit from the ability to study at their own speed with little to no restrictions. Teachers, on the other hand, may now conduct online assessments and make use of a variety of resources for student learning, such as iPods, tablets, and computers.

What role may technology play in improving education?

Finding alternative ways to enhance education has always been a hot topic in many countries throughout the world over the years. Because of the ever-changing nature of technology, it has become evident that it is unquestionably one of the most important responses to educational administrators' issues.

Students now have more alternatives thanks to technology, which means that teachers aren't the only ones who can support them in the classroom; they can get help from websites, blogs, and online tutorials. This also implies that learning may continue outside of school hours, particularly for secondary and tertiary students who can use the internet to seek tutoring and arrange study sessions. Technology can assist parents who have rigorous work shifts and cannot physically check in to parental meetings or forums, log into class assignments or class groups online, promote parental involvement, and keep tabs on children's work progress. Consistent student interactions and engagements with technology (such as the constant use of tablets, laptops, and iPods to do research, problem solve, create stuff, design stuff, etc. ), promotion of student-centered learning, and more incorporation of Project-based learning through technological uses are the most conducive learning environments for facilitating technology integration. Above all, this setting should improve technical learners' abilities while catering to various learning styles.
